
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Need a CUTE Shopping List?

Wow!  Life really set in when school returned to session.  It has been a blessed year but extremely BUSY!  I have my hands in quite a few things - from church obligations to Close To My Heart activities, spending time with my hubby and just life's everyday happenings.

I am not creating as often as I would like - I would do so everyday from sun up to sun down if I had the chance (lol) - but I am still creating.  However, I have neglected posting my creations so I'm going to get caught up and be better about sharing my artwork with you.

I am thrilled to be working closely with one of my friends, Angie, who has a little croppin' spot in south Arlington.  Later this month, I am offering this cute notepad as a FREE workshop if you join us for a Friday evening crop (otherwise it's just $5)!

I love the NEW Believer paper packet!  It screams some fun holiday colors but could be incorporated into other themes as well.  Of course, it works GREAT with this month's Stamp of the Month, "Holiday Magic". 

These spiral notepads are fun to decorate - and easy, too - and you gotta love having a coordinating pen to match!  I figure this is a great time to start making out your Christmas list and this will definitely serve that purpose.

If you live in the Dallas area, contact me for additional details about attending the event on Friday, October 28th beginning at 5 p.m. 

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