
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Remembering Convention 2011...

as we anticipate Convention 2012 - coming to Dallas, TX THIS JULY!

This is a fun video summary of all the fun we experienced last year while at Disneyland in Anaheim, CA!  It brought a smile to my face, a few giggles, and even few tears of joy as I reflected upon the time with my Mom and Dad (my roomies), my friends and team members.  (Some team members, close Consultant friends, and I can be seen in the video.  Do you see me?)
This is just a mini synopsis of the fun we have when thousands of Close To My Heart Consultants and our corporate staff gather together once a year to view our newest products, learn how to use them, and see beautiful artwork created with them while also gaining great insight into the business. 

You have to be a Consultant to attend and the memories are priceless. If you are interested in joining my team or are already on my team and sitting on the fence about attending - LOL, what are you waiting for?!  Is this enough to convince you?  The time is near when will party BIG in Texas!  I hope to see you there!

If you are reading this post and are registered for so in the comment section.  Let's see who we can look forward to seeing in Dallas!

Strappin' on my boots,


  1. I'm going!!!!! JAYNUT will be in the hizzouse! Whoo hoo!

    1. And I am SOOOOO glad, Jaynut! It's going to be da bomb and I'm thrilled that I get to share it with you again! Can't wait for many laughs! :0)


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