
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Newsletter = Contest Entry

If you have intentionally come here today I hope it's to confirm that you received my newsletter and have read it in its entirety.  It is always good to know that someone is reading what you have put time in to create while sharing some fun promotions and useful articles. (If you are not a CTMH Consultant and are not receiving my newsletters but would like to be added to my database you can do one of these three things to be added:
1) Click here and create a secure account.  Your information will automatically be added to my database. 2) Leave a comment on this post.
3) Email me directly at

If this is your first time to visit my blog...take a few minutes to check it out - including the helpful links on the right and fun posts in the main body of the blog.  I have enjoyed maintaining my blog over the last couple of years, providing a little insight into my personal life and sharing my artwork. 

As [will be] promised in my newsletter, I will do a drawing for $25 in select product credit.  (The winner will be allowed to select qualifying product to total that amount and will be contacted soon after the drawing is held and announced here on May 17th.)  YOU MUST BE IN MY CTMH DATABASE IN ORDER TO QUALIFY.  (If you aren't already on it, just contact me with interest.)

To enter...
  • Receive one ticket into the drawing when you comment on this post, sharing what you liked most about this month's newsletter.  Be specific in your response so I know you received it. :0)
  • Receive two tickets when you subscribe to my blog.  (If you are already subscribed, please state so.)  It is easy to subscribe.  Just scroll down on the right and enter your email into the subscription box.  Upon doing so there will be a pop-up window which appears.  Enter the code into the box, to help avoid spam.'ll need to also confirm subscription by clicking on the link emailed to you.  It's really simple and just takes a few clicks.  By doing so you will receive an email in your inbox whenever I post - usually a few times a week - and this will ensure you are kept up-to-date with promotions and events.
  • Receive one ticket if you follow me through my Business Facebook Page.  For me to know that you have done so, make a comment through there after "liking" it.
With the above, you have the opportunity to be entered into the drawing four times.  I will use to generate the winning number.  Numbers will be assigned as responses are received. 

If you have any questions, let me know.  The contest ends at the end of the day May 15th and the winner will be recognized on the May 17th post.  Thanks for participating and letting me know that my media efforts are reaching you.

Who will be the winner?


  1. I love your News Letters!! I love that you have contests makes it so much fun!!

    I am following you everywhere lol

    1. Glad to hear it, Tawnya! Blessed to know you and looking forward to more fun times! :0)

  2. Melissa, thanks for a fun contest! My favorite part of your newsletter is the card Best Fishes :) Soo soo cute!

  3. I'm also signed up for your blog, newsletter, facebook... just a raving fan, here! LOL! Love it all!


Thanks for showing me some blog love with your comments!