
Sunday, December 30, 2012

My Scrap Room

I LOVE organizing but don't always do it when I should.  LOL  It has to fit into my schedule but I do love how I feel when I am finished.

Here are some photos of my newest scrap room. I enjoyed creating in here yesterday evening and am happy to report that it looks like this even after I created some artwork.  (It is amazing how putting things away after I am done can help with keeping the room clean.  LOL)

I try not to be a hoarder and am pretty good about cleaning out things regularly.  It also helps that I move frequently and would rather move less than more.

Other than what you see in these pictures, I have a couple of organizers in my closet but that is it!  I think all of my scrapping supplies are here unless my hubby is hiding them from me somewhere.  I do have a little "night stand" in the fourth corner which has my printer and some printing supplies.  I move my laptop around so don't have any stationery place for it in the room.  (I just use it on my desk when I need it.)

Anyway, just wanted to share my scrap space with you.  I am thankful I have a spot to retreat to when my creative juices are flowing or just when I need to smell stamp sets.  LOL

Thanks for stopping by!


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