
Sunday, August 4, 2013

Ombré Technique

So...if you are like me and have no idea what an Ombre' Technique is, that is one reason to watch this video!  I have seen the technique and this design throughout our world but had no idea it had a special name.  I would have just called it "blended letters".  LOL is TOO COOL and so easy to do.  

Grab some popcorn, maybe a notepad, and then have some fun trying out this fun technique!  One day this coming week I will incorporate the technique into one of my creations and share my artwork.  
If you need any of the supplies used in the video, feel free to buy them from me!  This month you can get this stamp set FREE when you place just a $50 order!  How awesome is that?!  AND it is so adorable!!!!!
Praying you are enjoying a wonderful Sunday and be sure to check back tomorrow when there will be some fun artwork shown, made by some Consultant friends, that will highlight new products!  See you then!

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