
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Heartfelt Wishes

One of the teachers at my school is getting married in early November and we are having a bridal shower for her today.  Somehow I was left responsible for the packaging of the gift - forgot to take a photo of it - and her card.
Using the For Always paper packet (retired), I incorporated a little of our retired Hydrangea CS since purple is her favorite color (as it is mine).  The card design came from our Wishes How-To Book.  The pattern is called "Medallion" and is found on page 52.  At just $14.95, this book is a steal!
Because I choose to stamp the sentiment on Black cardstock, I used our White Daisy ink pad.  I let it sit overnight to dry and it was perfect.  If you use our pigment inks, like White Daisy, and do not have time to wait, you can always heat set it.  

I will admit, I had some off-brand flourishes that had been given to me some time back and I thought I would use them but...they were horrible to work with!  As I tried to lift one of them off the carrier sheet, some of the jewels came off.  As I attempted to work with the other, before I knew it, it had shriveled into a little ball that I could not separate.  But when I picked up Close To My Heart's Sparkles Clear Flourishes - Small, I had no issues!  Pulled it off, placed it where I wanted it, and applied a little pressure.  Gotta love when the value of our products are revealed to me!

Enjoying having my mojo back!  GUESS WHAT DAY IT IS?!  HUH?!  HUH?!  HAPPY HUMP DAY!

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