
Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Embossing is Back - Technique Blog Hop

This month we are highlighting the ever-so-wonderful technique, heat Embossing!  The title is "Embossing is Back" because the embossing products left our Close To My Heart Idea Book for a short while but have no IS back and I am thrilled!  You can find this technique on page 128 of the Annual Inspirations Idea Book and the embossing tools (Craft Heater, Embossing Powder, Versamrk) are located on page 179.

I will be honest, I have not embossed in quite some time so had to make sure I could do it. is just like riding a bike.  You never forget the process.  (Sure...  I do not know if I would be as smooth in riding a bike as I used to be.  LOL)

If you are coming from Denise's Blog, you are on the right track!  Keep moving through the Blog Hop in the links provided or you will find a list of all participants at the bottom of this post.  Let's get started with my creation, shall we?

I think this is my favorite way to use the embossing technique!  I love using clear or white embossing and then sponging over and around it (and then using a tissue to wipe any ink off the embossed image).  For this card, I did use the White Daisy pigment-based ink pad (you can also use Versamark).  
I sponged over the embossed image, using Sponge Daubers (one of my favorite tools), in Cotton Candy, Lagoon and Gypsy inks.  Isn't the ranbow look fun and cheery?  I layered the sentiment on Black cardstock and then used 3-D Foam Tape to apply.

I cut dove-tailed banners out of Cotton Candy and Lagoon cardstock and Black Shimmer Trim.  I added Bitty Sparkles across them to resemble a "stitch" and for some added bling.
I used two of my favorite stamp sets (there are many more - LOL) on this card.

This one is "Happy Everything" and the Operation Smile stamp set for this time of the year.  (I used the balloon image and stamped it onto some Paper Fundamentals - where you will find the heart pattern.)  A little twine, and some Liquid Glass, and I have a fun balloon!
I also used the ADORABLE stamp set from the Blossom Workshop on the Go for the sentiment.  You can find it through Seasonal Expression 2 on page 10 (the page number located on the page)!
I used this Sketch Challenge from Heart 2 Heart to design my card.  How simple, easy and fun?!
Thanks for stopping by.  I know I can't wait to hop to see what the other girls created with this technique.  Please leave a comment before heading over to Sheila's Blog!

Happy hoppin'!

A list of participants:

  1. Melissa Robinson *YOU ARE HERE
  2. Sheila Bennett
  3. Wendy Kessler
  4. Haley Dyer
  5. Catherine Nowak
  6. Darlys Recker
  7. Di Crawford
  8. Michelle Loncar
  9. Judy Faye Garner
  10. Belinda McLane
  11. Denise Elliott


  1. What a great card. I love the sponging and the color choices.

    1. Thank you! I tend to lead towards these three colors often. LOL They make me happy!

  2. Love the white embossing...super cute card. I need to use that more often!

  3. Great stamp set! and the embossing adds so much.

    1. Yes, yes! I love this stamp set and can see me wearing it out - a good thing. Thank you!

  4. Great embossing. Looks so pretty. Thanks for sharing with us at Heart 2 Heart.

  5. I love how detailed you are in directions for viewers. You're always so on top of things, Melissa!

    1. Awwww...thanks so much for saying so, Di. That truly means a lot.

  6. This is my favorite technique too! Thanks also for taking the H2H sketch challenge!

  7. Great color combination -- I love it! I also like how you incorporated black and white. I think I definitely underuse black as a color in cards, but you've made it look so nice! TFS :)

  8. Fabulous card! Love the color sponging and how you created the balloon. And we used the same sketch. lol

  9. Wow I love this card, there are so many things I love about this. The embossing, splash of shimmer trim, the balloon, everything! Thanks for playing along with Heart 2 Heart Challenges (H2H)!

    Brandi R
    DT member H2H


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