
Sunday, December 6, 2015

Stamping Technique Blog Hop

Today we are highlighting fun ways to use your stamps, incorporating various techniques.  We were very much inspired by the Creative Live class that Close To My Heart held in November where various techniques were shared.  You can check out the FREE class by clicking here.  It is well worth checking out as I am sure you will be equally inspired.

If you are coming from Jen's Blog you are on the right track.  I am the start of the hop and you can find a complete list of participants by clicking here.

For my card I decided to keep the focus on the images of the "Reason for the Season" stamp set and incorporated the Watercolor Paints.  I used them to represent sand and the sky, stamping the images using Black Ink.  That's it.  I chose not to incorporate any embellishments.  Surprised, right?!  But I felt this card didn't need it.  This card was so simple, yet says so much.  I hope you agree.
I did apply some water to the Watercolor paper, before applying any color to the brush.  It just gives a different effect.  Would you like to know what I love after I watercolor?  The feel of the paper!  LOL  Yep!  It's another new addition - like smelling our stamps and paper.  (Don't knock it 'til you try it.)

I encourage you to try out some of these techniques and incorporate them into your own papercrafting projects.  In my opinion, this technique is so simple, allowing attention to be drawn to the beautiful stamped images.  You are sure to find some fabulous inspiration at Melinda's Blog so head on over there now and then keep making your way around the hop.

Happy hoppin'!


  1. Lovely! It is so simple but elegant.

    1. LOL, I didn't see your comment when I made mine - must be true!

    2. LOL Thanks Catherine and Darlys! :) I am appreciative of your comment.

  2. Lovely card. I do agree, the focus is the message, and the card simple yet elegant.

  3. I love the elegant simplicity. Beautiful!

  4. This card shares the story of Jesus beautifully.

    1. Thank you, SonnetGal. That was my intent when I saw how I could leave it so simple and yet make it beautiful for this time of the year.


Thanks for showing me some blog love with your comments!