
Sunday, March 27, 2016

Regatta or Mother's Day Blog Hop

Thank you for joining us today as we showcase product using the Regatta paper pack or artwork using a Mother's Day theme.

If you are coming from Melinda's Blog, you are on the right track.

This layout was created in celebration of last year's Mother's Day where my Mom and I joined for a weekend of scrapbooking fun.  Because I don't live near her, I do not get the opportunity to spend every Mother's Day with her so this one was a special treat as we spent time doing what we love.  And...she is joining me again this year!  YAY!
I created it through Studio J our soon-to-retire Online Scrapbooking Program that will be greatly missed.  I am taking advantage of it while it remains.

Thank you for stopping by and please head on over to Barbi's Blog to view her artwork.

Have an awesome week!

1 comment:

  1. Great layout! I love how the colors all coordinate.I am really going to miss Studio J.


Thanks for showing me some blog love with your comments!