
Monday, October 10, 2016

Heart 2 Heart Challenge - Perfect 10

Welcome to this week's Heart 2 Heart Challenge with the theme, "Perfect 10". It will be fun to see how everyone interprets it because I think it is very broad. I hope you will join us! Be sure to use Close To My Heart products when you do.

I love how this card turned out. Keep reading to find out why I consider it a "Perfect 10".
I am calling my artwork, this card, a "Perfect 10" because it has three qualities I appreciate in artwork I create:

  1. It is simple.
  2. It came together easily.
  3. It has bling. 
In my opinion, that makes for perfect artwork! LOL I used two colors of ink: Glacier and Raspberry. The Raspberry really made the sentiment pop and coordinates well with the patterned paper from City Sidewalks and the sheet of Peacock cardstock. The photo really doesn't do it justice, in my opinion. I used this stamp set, "All is Bright" and cut the Silver Shimmer Trim vertically, down the middle, to make it more narrow. I love that we can do that!

Consider linking up to this challenge and share your artwork with us! 

Have a wonderful week!


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