
Monday, June 26, 2017

Heart 2 Heart Challenge: Watercoloring

Welcome to this week's Heart 2 Heart Challenge, "Watercoloring". The interpretation of the theme is left to you, just be sure to incorporate Close To My Heart products on your creation and then link up to us to share your artwork with others.
For my artwork creation I chose to use the My Crush Artistic You watercolor pages. Their clear glossy designs, which you can see faintly in this image, are perfect for applying watercolor. The embossed images "resist" the color, as you'll see below.
I used the page shown at the bottom of the above visual to create this card. I applied various shades of watercolor and then took a tissue to wipe off any watercolor residue that may have remained on the embossed images. This was the resulting look. 

The pages are 7" x 5". I trimmed a piece of it to make this card front, layering it on Lemon cardstock. A simple sentiment and I felt it was complete!  

These images were so fun and easy to color. I used the Waterbrush - Small Round which has a very fine tip and allows me to be detailed, when necessary. Our Watercolor Paints, which look similar to others on the market, are phenomenal and are of truly no comparison. If you don't believe me, you'll have to test them for yourself. That feedback comes from customers, not just me. :)  

Consider joining us for this and other H2H Challenges. We enjoy seeing and sharing the artwork of others. 

Have a blessed day/week!

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