
Monday, July 9, 2018

Anything Goes: Heart 2 Heart Challenge

Welcome to this week's Heart 2 Heart Challenge where our theme is "Anything Goes". That's right! You can create anything you want and link up to our Challenge as long as you incorporate at least some Close To My Heart products in your creation! Let us see what you have to share!

For a retreat a couple of months ago, I created this handmade sanitizer holder for my guests. If you know me well you know I'm seldom caught without it! ;) 

I found the directions on this blog and found they were super easy to assemble once I made the first one. It uses little paper and NO scissors nor adhesive. Isn't that great?! Plus, it becomes a cost-effective treat when you can buy 5 bottles for just $6 (at Bath & Body Works). I think everyone enjoyed receiving one!

I hope you'll join us for this week's challenge or for any others for July. We love when you share your creativity with us and look forward to seeing what you have designed.

Make it a great week!

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