
Thursday, February 14, 2019

Happy Valentine's Day!

So I am thankful for this guy right here... 24 years of Valentine's Days celebrated together! I actually remember one of our earliest dates took place on this day in 1994. Super crazy to think that much time has passed. 

Marriage is definitely not easy, bringing together two people from different walks of life who have to give their heart and soul to one another on a daily basis. It's making God the center of it all. He has truly brought us to this place in 2019. 

I am thankful for God's promises and the fact that He is a miracle-worker. We have experienced that together and I am grateful. I have grown in experiences and opportunities I could have never imagined and while the journey has not always been easy, it has truly been worth it!  Thank you, Lord, for another year! 

While we aren't together today, and we promised years ago not to focus heavily on Valentine's Day as an isolated occasion in a year, I can't wait to give this card to him. I'm pretty sure he'll agree with my heart diagram. LOL Actually, he could negotiate the need to move naps up on the list. I don't take them often these days but when I do, I definitely enjoy them!
The focal point was stamped with this set from our "Heart Happy" special that is available through the end of this month. Aren't the images super cute?! (I actually made some other cards with it.) You can find more details about the special here

Whether your single, dating, married, or widowed, I pray today isn't looked at as any more important than other days. Convey your love and admiration for people in your life on a regular basis and more importantly, feel loved today. You are! 

Have a blessed day! 

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