
Friday, June 7, 2019

"Fireflies" - Blog with Friends

Welcome to "Blog with Friends" where I join fellow Bloggers as we share topics/ideas around a theme. This month our theme is "Fireflies". might be wondering where the fireflies are on this layout. There aren't any! ha BUT...I will tell you that fireflies totally scream summer and I think this layout totally aligns with that. What do you think? Well...that's what we're going to go with.

Outside of the tropical theme, I love the sentiments on both layouts. "Escape the ordinary." Yes, please! I want each day of my life to be something "different" and "new", not the same ol' same ol' many people experience. While I appreciate structure, sometimes being unpredictable provides a jumpstart. 

"To travel is to live". Yes it is! God created such beauty on this earth and while I've been able to enjoy a lot of it, there is tons more left for me to see. I plan on living until I die. What about you? Don't cut your life short by missing out on the extraordinary. 

Do you have some fun memories you would like to preserve? There is a fun and inexpensive way to do so with a special from Close To My Heart, during the month of June. It's called "The Best Moments are FREE" and you have four different options. The price is a steal because essentially, you pay for the stamp set and get the rest of the kit items FREE! It truly sounds too good to be true, but it is true!

If you would like to preserve your memories, while I create the layouts for you to do so on, contact me and that is completely possible. In fact, I'd be honored to do that for you. I'm sure you have memories worth documenting. 

Now, check out these other fabulous blog posts from some of my bloggin' friends. We all love when you leave a comment and show us some blog love so please consider doing so. 

Enjoy your week!


  1. Whenever I see a firefly, just as I had as a little girl, I feel like I'm espcaping the ordinary. And yes, these layouts definitely scream summer to me.

    1. Thanks for helping me with the "twist", Karen. :) Fireflies truly do amaze me as another awesome creation from God, reminding me to take in the little things.

  2. What a fun layout! Yes, definitely summer regardless of the fireflies or not!

    1. Well thank you very much, my friend! Now to take some photos perfect for the layout!


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