
Tuesday, November 5, 2019

CTMH New Product Blog Hop

Welcome to this Blog Hop where we are featuring NEW Christmas products from Close To Heart! The new items were released on October 15th in this November/December Supplement. This fabulous publication contains phenomenal artwork with the products only available while supplies last. You can place an order to receive a hard copy FREE or visit this link to view a virtual copy.

If you are coming from Ronda's Blog, you are on the right track. You can find a complete list of participants here.

Upon first glance of these Buttoned Up Thin Cuts I thought "meh". They were cute but I didn't think I needed them until... I took some time to study the awesome artwork in the Idea Book and then started seeing others share items created with them. Then I was sure to put them on my next order! I love the simplicity of their use that results in some cheerful items, for Christmas and beyond!

By simply using a card base, I layered on the various colors of cardstock, respective to each piece, to create this awesome greeting card. Isn't it CUTE?!

And check out the elf! It totally makes me chuckle a bit. You can totally use the various images to create cute tops for men and women, and I'm sure there's a lot more potential as well!

I can appreciate how quick these are to assemble, providing a CA-UTE card (or bag). Have any ideas on how they might be incorporated onto a layout?

Now it's time to head over to Cat's Blog to see what she has created with new products! I hope you have a fabulous time hopping!


  1. Super Cute! A fun card option for Christmas!

  2. This are too cute! Thank you for joining the hop this month. I can't wait to see what you create next! ☕đŸ’™MissC

  3. Love these thin cuts...and what you did with them!

  4. These are so cute - and can absolutely be used outside of the Christmas season for so many things. Well done!

  5. Adorable cards! I have this set in the mail! Can't wait to create with them!

  6. These are adorable! You did a great job.

  7. So cute! I can't wait to start creating with these.

  8. Love these, mine just arrived today, so I can't wait to get creating with these thin cuts.

  9. Oh goodness, these are adorable! I am so blowing my CTMH budget with all the items that I'm adding to my wish list!


Thanks for showing me some blog love with your comments!