
Monday, December 6, 2021

Embellish It! Heart 2 Heart Challenge

Good morning and happy Monday! I wish you a great start to your morning and week!

Thank you for joining me/us for the Heart 2 Heart Challenge, "Embellish It!" It's the first one for December and we hope that you'll join the creative fun and share your artwork with us. Please be sure to use at least one Close To My Heart product in your creation. 

I decided to glitz up this handmade giftcard by adding some simple but fun embellishments, mostly hand-created. I stamped on patterned paper (pink ornament and present), did tone-on-tone stamping (green present), used the White Gel Pen, Gold Glitter Paper and included some Liquid Pearls. I love how it all came together for this finished result. It's super festive!

Believe it, or not, all stamp images used on this front of this card are from this "Deck the Palms" stamp set, a special that continues through the end of this month. It doesn't have to be used for a tropical theme at all, if you choose not to use the flamingo. 

This is how the inside of the gift card holder looks. Isn't it fun (and simple)?! I love that giving a gift card doesn't have to be considered "without thought", if there is intention and love for the recipient. In fact, I enjoy being able to redeem gift cards and having packaging like this would make it extra special, don't you think?!

(NOTE: I did host a Santa's Workshop this weekend, virtually, where I showcased a variety of artwork projects, dimensions to recreate them, techniques and so much more! If you don't currently have a CTMH Maker, contact me via email - - and I'm happy to invite you to join the fun!)

Thank you for joining us this week at Heart 2 Heart. Be sure to link up to this challenge, and future challenges, as we celebrate and share our love for papercrafting!

Make it a great day!

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Thanks for showing me some blog love with your comments!